Low-Cost Home Heating and Cooling by Ken Wickliffe

Ken Wickliffe provides insight to homeowners that are looking to save money on household heating and cooling. Additionally, if you are in the process of putting the finishing touches on your home and are in need of money saving tips to maximize the functionalities of your appliances, the author also touches up on common situations that homeowners find themselves in.

One thing that Wickliffe tends to focus on is simplicity. This isn’t a book that requires you to hold an electrical engineering degree to understand. Rather, each aspect is broken down into extremely simple terms that any homeowner can relate to. For instance, he discusses what type of portable air conditioner will work best in what room, or what size of a heater will fit in your allotted space.

The author doesn’t attempt to sidestep the fact that cheaper units won’t match up with the higher end models, nor does he try to. Instead, he faces them head on and gives you, the reader, a perspective on how you can maximize what you can purchase on a shoestring budget. For instance, one section of the book compares the advantages and disadvantages of a $300 heater to a $20 heater. He doesn’t gloat or try and persuade you to purchase one or the other. Instead, he helps you deliberate what works best for you. Do you require humidification on your AC unit? Do you need the extra amenities on the model?

As an added bonus, Wickliffe also throws in other money saving tips at the end of the book, so it’s not solely based on heating and cooling – like finding cheap water damage restoration for example. If you’re looking to save money and are looking to take action on sprucing up your home, Wickliffe’s guide is perfect for you.

This review was submitted by MovinCool.com. At MovinCool.com, you’ll find portable air conditioner units for industrial and commercial use.