Book Review: Improve Your Vision without Glasses or Contact Lenses

Millions of people suffer with some type of vision problem. Often glasses are prescribed so that the individual can see clearly. Though this is an economical and easy way to fix a vision problem, it actually does nothing to improve our vision. Instead, we become dependent upon glasses. Some individuals don’t like the idea of having to keep up with several pairs of glasses. For those folks, contact lenses are a good solution. But what if you could actually improve your vision and not have to wear glasses or contact lenses again?

What Is Eyestrain?

Eyestrain has become much more common in the 21st century. That’s because millions of people around the world spend 20, 30, or 40 hours a week staring at a computer screen or smart phone. We’ve become so dependent upon these devices that we don’t even realize the damage they do to our eyesight.

In this book, Improve Your Vision without Glasses or Contact Lenses, four renowned optometrists have discovered an exciting solution to these age-old vision problems.

They begin by introducing The American Vision Institute (AVI), which is a research organization that has pioneered many of the recent advances in eye care. Their goal is to provide some alternative methods of treatment for common sight problems like farsightedness and nearsightedness.

The book was authored by Dr. Stephen M. Beresford, Dr. David W. Muris, Dr. Merrill J. Allen, and Dr. Francis A Young. Together they have created a comprehensive guide to how our eyes work, eye health, and techniques to improve your eyesight.

In chapter 10, we find 10 simple strategies for improving your eyesight and your eye health. The book claims that these techniques will work whether an individual is dealing with nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism.

This book is an easy read and the instructions for improving eye care are simple and easy to follow. There are no unusual or strange concepts presented in the book. Instead, it contains common sense solutions that are tried and true. For instance, one of the suggestions concerns our diets. There are specific foods and drinks that we can consume each day that will improve eye health.

Another important aspect of good eye health is lighting. The type of lighting we use in our office, whether at home or at work, can make a huge difference in eyestrain. Another quick but effective tip is to take your glasses off when you don’t need them. Don’t leave them on all the time, even in times where you could see perfectly without them. This will cause your eyes to grow weaker and your prescriptions to get stronger.

The book has received excellent reviews from users and most say that it did help them with their vision problems.