Book Review: Don’t Hassel the Hoff

Knight Rider. Baywatch. What do these two sitcoms share in common? That’s right – David Hasselhoff.

The guy who had it all. And still probably does. Even if he drinks way too much, considering the fact that the eighties are well two decades behind us.

After all, every good run has to end someday, right?

Let’s not forget his short-lived music career in Germany, which included a notable performance at the Berlin Wall. Well, it must be pointed out that the people who loved his music could only speak one language – German, of course.

But putting all snide remarks aside, the guy is truly a legend to a lot of us, and deserves a bit a ribbing every now and then.

What he also deserves is a book aptly titled “Don’t Hassel the Hoff”. By far, the wittiest title I’ve come across, leaving to my rich imagination as to how the pages within the covers might read.

Don’t we all love (um, bashing) The Hoff?

As most readers would agree, once they’re done reading this autobiography of his, there’s no need for a dictionary and would pass the Flesch-Kincaid Ease test with utmost ease.

But if you’re expecting a masterpiece, then why bother, when you know how Hasselhoff has lived his Life, much like any other television or movie star?

Go find a Salman Rushdie book to bury your head in or even an Isaac Asimov novel that will have your head up in the clouds, literally speaking.

Don’t buy this autobiography with that kind of lofty expectation, and beat yourself (with the book, in some cases) over it if it fails to live up to the hype.

He’s a TV star, for chrissakes! Arrogance, being shallow and self-absorbed are to be expected while a gross exaggeration of his exploits as a star is to be expected.

In other words, story or stories that reveal the best in him despite being known for his drinking problem, thanks to a videtape taken by his daughter.

What he does reveal at length, and which should satiate the nostalgic types, is the  description of his time spent on the sets of Baywatch and Knight Rider.

But I’m sorry to burst your bubble in saying that despite his looks and obvious star value fading, it has been no mean feat to star in “The Producers” as well as make his childhood dream come true by acting in plays on Broadway and London’s West End.

Oh, and let’s not forget the numerous talent shows that he seems to judge every now and then.

Well, it’s clear that he might not have any talent per se, but considering the spate of reality shows on television, who does?

However, an account of his time on television and the stars he spent time with as well as other superficial incidents in his life are mentioned in detail in the book.

In Closing

If you’re a fan of the Hoff or even miss TV shows in the 80s and 90s, you’d probably want to read this book.

Of course, if you’re one for gossip, please be advised that there won’t be much for you in this book as he so neatly sidesteps all the controversies that have been a part of his Life.

With that said, David Hasselhoff is still a great guy and shows how big-hearted he is, with his accounts in the book.